On August 10, 2024, the PAFM launched a leadership training recruitment initiative to prepare for organizing the First Pan African Federalist Congress, tentatively scheduled for sometime in 2025, the goal of which is to achieve the POLITICAL UNITY OF ALL AFRICANS IN LESS THAN ONE GENERATION THROUGH A UNITED STATES OF AFRICA established by 2030. The next training session is scheduled for September 14 from 14:00 to 16:00 GMT for French speakers and 17:00 to 19:00 GMT for English speakers.
The August 10th session focused on leadership for the East Africa Region. Though we are especially targeting Pan Africanists in North America for the next session, the training is open to all Africans and organizations of Africans who are willing to participate in the preparation of the Congress.
The document, Fundamentals of the PAFM, states,
"African Diaspora: Is a member of the African diaspora any African 'of the soil' or 'of the blood' who lives as a permanent resident outside the African continent and its surrounding islands. Notwithstanding of how they become members of the African diaspora, their rights to citizenship of the United African States are inalienable. Their right to representation in the legislative bodies of the federal government is undeniable. [emphasis added]
The main goal of the Congress is to accelerate the birth process of the United African States (UAS) by organizing in each of the African countries a referendum in which citizens will be called upon to vote for or against the federal union of the African States. It is therefore about launching a campaign for the creation of the UAS in less than a generation through a powerful bottom-up movement that will give to Africans and people of African descent, the real owners of the sovereignty of their states, the opportunity to clearly express their opinion on the form of union they want to see established between their African State and the other African States.
This gathering will also give to Pan Africanist Federalists on the continent and the Diaspora a chance to meet and get to know each other. This congress will facilitate the creation of a Pan African Federalist web in Africa and the Diaspora. The exchanges that will take place during this congress will enhance the chances for the Pan African Federalist to find the relevant answers to the questions that many warm and/or reluctant partisans of the federalist options are asking themselves, particularly in regard to the feasibility and viability of a federalist compact between the African States.
The Congress will produce an Action Plan that will:
Define the campaign strategy for the birth of the UAS within less than a generation
Identify the main obstacles to the political, economic and military unification of the African States and the means and ways to overcome them
Design the communication strategy that can best popularize the federalist cause and secure the rallying of the majority of the African masses on the continent and abroad to pan African federalism
Put together an efficient campaign directory
If you want to be a part of the preparation for the Congress, and can commit to doing serious, organized work through the PAFM structures, you are invited to attend the training session. The first step is completing the Form at https://www.pafmuas.org/take-action
The second steop is to complete the Fitness to Serve Questionnaire :
After completing the questionnaire, you must register in advance for PAFM Leadership Training: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvduuupj4iGt1XWxWVDhV4DTThG1CBtt9S
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.